Source code for s2spy.rgdr.utils

"""Commonly used utility functions for s2spy."""
from typing import TypeVar
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs] XrType = TypeVar("XrType", xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)
[docs] def weighted_groupby( ds: XrType, groupby: str, weight: str, method: str = "mean" ) -> XrType: """Apply a weighted reduction after a groupby call. xarray does not currently support combining `weighted` and `groupby`. An open PR adds supports for this functionality (, but this branch was never merged. Args: ds: Data containing the coordinates or variables specified in the `groupby` and `weight` kwargs. groupby: Coordinate which should be used to make the groups. weight: Variable in the Dataset containing the weights that should be used. method: Method that should be used to reduce the dataset, by default 'mean'. Supports any of xarray's builtin methods, e.g. 'median', 'min', 'max'. Returns: Same as input: Dataset reduced using the `groupby` coordinate, using weights = based on `ds[weight]`. """ groups = ds.groupby(groupby) # find stacked dim name group0 = list(groups)[0][1] dims = list(group0.dims) stacked_dims = [dim for dim in dims if "stacked_" in str(dim)] reduced_groups = [ getattr(g.weighted(g[weight]), method)(dim=stacked_dims) for _, g in groups ] reduced_data: XrType = xr.concat(reduced_groups, dim=groupby) if isinstance(reduced_data, xr.DataArray): # Add back the labels of the groupby dim reduced_data[groupby] = np.unique(ds[groupby]) return reduced_data
[docs] def geographical_cluster_center( masked_data: xr.DataArray, reduced_data: xr.DataArray ) -> xr.DataArray: """Add the geographical centers to the clusters. Args: masked_data (xr.DataArray): Precursor data before being reduced to clusters, with the dimensions latitude and longitude, and cluster labels added. reduced_data (xr.DataArray): Data reduced to the clusters, to which the geographical centers will be added Returns: xr.DataArray: Reduced data with the latitude and longitude of the geographical centers added as coordinates of the cluster labels. """ clusters = np.unique(masked_data["cluster_labels"]) stacked_data = masked_data.stack(coords=("latitude", "longitude")) cluster_lats = np.zeros(clusters.shape) cluster_lons = np.zeros(clusters.shape) for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): # Select only the grid cells within the cluster cluster_area = stacked_data["area"].where( stacked_data["cluster_labels"] == cluster ) if "i_interval" in cluster_area.dims: cluster_area = cluster_area.dropna("i_interval", how="all") cluster_area = cluster_area.dropna("coords") # Area weighted mean to get the geographical center of the cluster cluster_lats[i] = cluster_area["latitude"].weighted(cluster_area).mean().item() cluster_lons[i] = cluster_area["longitude"].weighted(cluster_area).mean().item() reduced_data["latitude"] = ("cluster_labels", cluster_lats) reduced_data["longitude"] = ("cluster_labels", cluster_lons) return reduced_data
[docs] def intervals_subtract(intervals: list[int], n: int) -> list[int]: """Subtracts n from the interval indices, skipping 0.""" if n < 0: raise ValueError("Lag values below 0 are not supported") lag_intervals = [i - n for i in intervals] # pylint: disable=chained-comparison return [ i - 1 if (i <= 0 and j > 0) else i for i, j in zip(lag_intervals, intervals) ]