
Commonly used utility functions for s2spy.

Module Contents


weighted_groupby(→ XrType)

Apply a weighted reduction after a groupby call.

geographical_cluster_center(→ xarray.DataArray)

Add the geographical centers to the clusters.

intervals_subtract(→ list[int])

Subtracts n from the interval indices, skipping 0.



s2spy.rgdr.utils.weighted_groupby(ds: XrType, groupby: str, weight: str, method: str = 'mean') XrType[source]

Apply a weighted reduction after a groupby call.

xarray does not currently support combining weighted and groupby. An open PR adds supports for this functionality (https://github.com/pydata/xarray/pull/5480), but this branch was never merged.

  • ds – Data containing the coordinates or variables specified in the groupby and weight kwargs.

  • groupby – Coordinate which should be used to make the groups.

  • weight – Variable in the Dataset containing the weights that should be used.

  • method – Method that should be used to reduce the dataset, by default ‘mean’. Supports any of xarray’s builtin methods, e.g. ‘median’, ‘min’, ‘max’.


Dataset reduced using the groupby coordinate, using weights =

based on ds[weight].

Return type:

Same as input

s2spy.rgdr.utils.geographical_cluster_center(masked_data: xarray.DataArray, reduced_data: xarray.DataArray) xarray.DataArray[source]

Add the geographical centers to the clusters.

  • masked_data (xr.DataArray) – Precursor data before being reduced to clusters, with the dimensions latitude and longitude, and cluster labels added.

  • reduced_data (xr.DataArray) – Data reduced to the clusters, to which the geographical centers will be added


Reduced data with the latitude and longitude of the geographical

centers added as coordinates of the cluster labels.

Return type:


s2spy.rgdr.utils.intervals_subtract(intervals: list[int], n: int) list[int][source]

Subtracts n from the interval indices, skipping 0.