
Preprocessor for s2spy workflow.

Module Contents



Preprocessor for s2s data.


_linregress(→ tuple[float, float])

Calculate the slope and intercept between two arrays using scipy's linregress.

_trend_linear(→ dict)

Calculate the linear trend over time.

_subtract_linear_trend(data, trend)

Subtract a previously calclulated linear trend from (new) data.

_get_trend(data, method)

Calculate the trend, with a certain method. Only linear is implemented.

_subtract_trend(data, method, trend)

Subtract the previously calculated trend from (new) data. Only linear is implemented.

_get_climatology(data, timescale)

Calculate the climatology of timeseries data.

_subtract_climatology(data, timescale, climatology)


Check the input data for compatiblity with the preprocessor.

_check_temporal_resolution(→ Literal[monthly, weekly, ...)

_check_data_resolution_match(data, timescale)

Check if the temporal resolution of input is the same as given timescale.

s2spy.preprocess._linregress(x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray) tuple[float, float][source]

Calculate the slope and intercept between two arrays using scipy’s linregress.

Used to make linregress more ufunc-friendly.

  • x – First array.

  • y – Second array.


slope, intercept

s2spy.preprocess._trend_linear(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset) dict[source]

Calculate the linear trend over time.


data – The input data of which you want to know the trend.


Dictionary containing the linear trend information (slope and intercept)

s2spy.preprocess._subtract_linear_trend(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset, trend: dict)[source]

Subtract a previously calclulated linear trend from (new) data.

s2spy.preprocess._get_trend(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset, method: str)[source]

Calculate the trend, with a certain method. Only linear is implemented.

s2spy.preprocess._subtract_trend(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset, method: str, trend: dict)[source]

Subtract the previously calculated trend from (new) data. Only linear is implemented.

s2spy.preprocess._get_climatology(data: xarray.Dataset | xarray.DataArray, timescale: Literal[monthly, weekly, daily])[source]

Calculate the climatology of timeseries data.

s2spy.preprocess._subtract_climatology(data: xarray.Dataset | xarray.DataArray, timescale: Literal[monthly, weekly, daily], climatology: xarray.Dataset | xarray.DataArray)[source]
s2spy.preprocess._check_input_data(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset)[source]

Check the input data for compatiblity with the preprocessor.


data – Data to validate.

  • ValueError – If the input data is of the wrong type.

  • ValueError – If the input data does not have a ‘time’ dimension.

s2spy.preprocess._check_temporal_resolution(timescale: Literal[monthly, weekly, daily]) Literal[monthly, weekly, daily][source]
s2spy.preprocess._check_data_resolution_match(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset, timescale: Literal[monthly, weekly, daily])[source]

Check if the temporal resolution of input is the same as given timescale.

class s2spy.preprocess.Preprocessor(rolling_window_size: int | None, timescale: Literal[monthly, weekly, daily], rolling_min_periods: int = 1, subtract_climatology: bool = True, detrend: str | None = 'linear')[source]

Preprocessor for s2s data.

property trend: dict[source]

Return the stored trend (dictionary).

property climatology: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset[source]

Return the stored climatology data.

fit(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset) None[source]

Fit this Preprocessor to input data.


data – Input data for fitting.

transform(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset) xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset[source]

Apply the preprocessing steps to the input data.


data – Input data to perform preprocessing.


Preprocessed data.

fit_transform(data: xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset) xarray.DataArray | xarray.Dataset[source]

Fit this Preprocessor to input data, and then apply the steps to the data.


data – Input data for fit and transform.


Preprocessed data.